micro gallery La Cassine, 10 rue de Montbrillant, Geneva, CH
La Cassine is a wooden room with a bench accessible through a ladder.
As this small gallery is already a work in itself (created by the association Safari), the proposition was to create a duplex space in it. The second floor would be a kind of exhibition room that could also support the weight of a lying body, as a small apartment. From the cosy bench, both spaces were visible, the «lobby» and the «apartment».
IBU comes from La Cassine’s key holder that was a owl («hibou» in french) and IBU (EVU) sounds like Eve in Japanese. The theme of the nest and egg is obvious, and will be exploited.
A book on trees.
Pictures of sprayed trees on wood.
Party by woodpecker’s family.
Ostrich egg architecture.
Cleaning cloth «paintings».
Found feather and leaf.