Rue de Bourgogne- Rue de Lyon 110, Geneva , CH


For the festival BIG 2019

(With the main support of the City of Geneva. Big thanks to Giorgio)

SEED is a boat covered by a reversible sequin texture, and converted in a space shuttle for the Biennale of interstellar art spaces of Geneva. This escpae rocket is part of the «Salta Base», name invented for the intervention of the «Epicerie de l’Agonie», association of Emmanuel Mottu. The Salta base was mainly a bar with flags and antennas (Bar des Héliotes by E. Mottu) , and an entrance module to it (an acrylic glass box).

The Last night during a thunderstorm .

Some unlucky  inflatable armchair got stuck under the boat .

Inside Mottu’s Bar, before the final thunderstorm.